7040 Sayre Drive
Oakland, CA 94611
Born 1956 in Kiev, Ukraine
1974-80 Kiev State Arts Institute (Academy of Fine Art of Ukraine)
1969-74 Kiev State School of Art, Kiev, Ukraine
Foreign Member of National Academy of Arts of Ukraine
2020 "Mopdern Mixmaster" Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, CA
2019 "Collected Moments" Modernism West, San Francisco, CA
2018 "FACE"-national academy of fine art of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
2017 “Ironic Icons” solo show at Long Beach Museum of Art. Long Beach, CA
2016 “Super Hero” (Mel Ramos, Valentin Popov, Victor Sydorenko),
National Academy of Fine Arts of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
2016 Long Sharp Gallery “Reflections” Indianapolis, Indiana
2013 De Saisset Museum “FACE” University of Santa Clara, California
2013 Imago Galleries “Water” Palm Desert, California
2011 Thom Andriola Gallery, "61,8%", Houston, Texas
2010 Modernism Gallery, "In the Water", San Francisco, California
2009 Thom Andriola Gallety, "Vision & Light", Houston, Texas
2008 Modernism Gallery, "Then & Now", San Francisco, California
2006 Modernism West, "25 Years", San Francisco, California
2006 Alycia Duckler Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2006 Modernism West, San Francisco, California
2005 Alycia Duckler Gallery, Portland, Oregon
2004 Modernism Gallery, San Francisco, California
2004 Lora D Art Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
2003 Lora D Art Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
2003 Elezabeth Rice Fine Art, Sarassota, Florida
2002 "Val Pop" Huntington Beach Art Center, Huntington Beach, California
2002 Dee Pree Museum "Go Dutch", Holland, Michigan
2001 Robert Berman Gallery, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, California
2000 National Museum of Ukrainian Art, Kiev, Ukraine
2000 Pasquale Iannetti Art Gallery, "Collage & Sculpture", San Francisco, California
1999 Pasquale Iannetti Art Gallery, "Rembrandt-Not Rembrandt",
San Francisco, California
1998 Diane Nelson Fine Art, "Rembrandt-Not Rembrandt", Laguna Beach, California
1997 Kismet Gallery, "Crucifixion of St. Batman", San Jose, California
1996 Mimi Ferzt Gallery, "Romantic Cynicism", New York, New York
1996 Kismet Gallery, "Romantic Cynicism", San Jose, California
1995 Mimi Ferzt Gallery, "Torrents of Spring", New York, New York
1994 De Saisset Museum, "Romantic Cynicism", Santa Clara, California
1994 Mimi Ferzt Gallery, "Rembrandt Collage", New York, New York
1993 Mimi Ferzt Gallery, "Popov + Popov", New York, New York
1993 Pasquale Iannetti Art Gallery, "Weird Monotypes", San Francisco, California
1992 Kentler International Drawing Space, New York, New York
1991 Warner Roberts Gallery, Palo Alto, California
1991 Arts Council of San Mateo, Belmont, California
1991 Central Exhibition Space of Association of Fine Arts of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
1990 University of California, Berkeley, California
1990 Allport Gallery, San Francisco, California
1988 Kisgaleria, Pecs, Hungary
2019 "Fantasies and Fears" Piramid Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
2019 Collected Moments, Modernism West, San Francisco, California
2016 “Super Hero” ( Mel Ramos, Valentin Popov,Victor Sydorenko)
2015-2016 Long Sharp Gallery, Indianapolis, IN
2014 Imago Galleries, Palm Desert, CA
2012 New gallery, Houston, TX
2012 Modernism Gallery, Summer selection
2001 Imago galleries , Palm Desert, California
2005 Sandy Carson Gallery, Denver, Colorado
2004 Modernism Gallery, "25-th Anniversary Show", San Francisco, California
2003 Modernism Gallery, San Francisco, California
2002 Robert Berman Gallery, Santa Monica, California
1998 Mimi Ferzt Gallery, "Group show", New York, New York
1998 Diane Nelson Fine Art, "Contingent Reality", Laguna Beach, California
1997 Kismet Gallery, "Group show", San Jose, California
1997 Mimi Ferzt Gallery, "Group show", New York, New York
1996 Mimi Ferzt Gallery, "Group show", New York, New York
1995 Mimi Ferzt Gallery, "Group show", New York, New York
1994 Mimi Ferzt Gallery, "Ascending Angels", New York, New York
1994 De Saisset Museum, "Ideal Landscapes", Santa Clara, California
1994 Kala Institute, "Fellowship Award", Berkeley, California
1994 Aurobora Press,"The Figure", San Francisco, California
1993 California Museum of Arts & Crafts, "Icons in Contemporary Art",
San Francisco, California
1993 J. Claramunt Gallery, "Sacrifice", New York, New York
1993 Olga Dollar Gallery, "Miniatures", San Francisco, California
1993 Ruth Benjamin Fine Art, "The Spirit Within", Napa Valley, California
1993 Davidson Galleries, "Group Show", Seattle, Washington
1993 Smith Anderson Gallery, "The Black & White Show", Palo Alto, California
1992 Emeryville 6th Annual Exhibition, Emeryville, California
1992 Pasquale Ianetti Gallery, "12 Contemporary Artists", San Francisco, California
1992 One Market Plaza "Russian Art at Home & Abroad", San Francisco, California
1991 "Coming to America-World View Point", West Cal Bank, San Mateo, California
1991 Ayzenberg Gallery, Los Angeles, California
1990 International Gallery, Minneapolis, Minnesota
1990 Warner Roberts Gallery, Palo Alto, California
1990 Olga Dollar Gallery, "Summer Selection", San Francisco, California
1988 "Contemporary Art of the Ukraine", Ukraine Institute of America,
New York, New York
1988 "Modern Art of the Ukraine", New Jersey Institute of Technology,
Newark, New Jersey
1988 Crane Club Gallery, New York, New York
Collected Moments, Modernism West, San Francisco, California
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York
New York Public Library, New York, New York
De Saisset Museum, Santa Clara, California
Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Museum of Russian-American History of Alaska, Sitka, Alaska
Duke University Museum of Art, Durham, North Carolina
Logan Collection, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, California
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, California
Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts, San Francisco, California
National Museum of Ukrainian Art, Kiev, Ukraine
Iris & Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Art, Stanford, California
Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Schow Foundation, San Marino, California
Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA
Harvey S. Firestone Library, Prinston University, Princeton, New Jersey
Spencer Museum of Art, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Yele University Art Museum, New Haven, Connecticut
Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, Michigan
Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley, California
Stanford University Libraries, Department of Special Collections, Stanford, California
1992 Fellowship of KALA Institute, Berkeley, California
1991 Smith-Anderson Printshop, Palo Alto, California
1990 Djerassi Foundation, Woodside, California
1980 1983-89 Senezh Artists' Residence, Moscow, Russia
1980-82, 84-86 Republic Sednev Artists' Residence, Chernigov, Ukraine
2015 Foreign Member of Academy of Fine Arts of Ukraine
1988 Silver Medal, Academy of the USSR
1984-1986 Grant from the Association of Fine Arts of the USSR
1981-1984 Grant from Academy of Art of the USSR
1991 University of California at Berkeley, Graphics Department
1991 Graduate Seminar, San Francisco Art Institute
1990 University of California at Berkeley, Graphics Department
2018 - 290 pages book "FACE"- portraits by Valentin Popov
De Saisset Museum and Soft Scull press
2009-320 pages monograph-Valentin Poov. Modernism Gallery!
2000 "East Bay Monthly", November, Cover
2000 "Juxtapoz", Nov/Dec., pages 26, 27, 28, 29, 78.
2000 " Deutsche Presse", SECTION: International News, September 19, 2000
2000 "The New York Post", September 12, 2000, Tuesday
2000 "Figurative Bridge", Valentin Popov in Kiev National Museum, Ukraine
1998 "The Orange County Register", Fine Arts, July 19
1997 "The Cigar", Barnaby Conrad III, Chronicle Books
1997 "Romantic Cynicism", Valentin Popov, ARC-Ukraine, Kiev
1997 Manhattan-A Photographic Tour, Crescent Books, New York, NY
1997 "The Torrents of Spring", Ivan Turgenev, Grove Press, New York, NY
1995 "The Basics of Buying Art", Cindi R. Maciolek, p. 93
1994 "EYE", San Jose Mercury News, Sept. 30 - Oct. 6, p. 30
1994 "Batman Saves", Metro, Sept. 22 - 28, p.107
1994 San Jose Mercury News, Sept. 19
1994 "Arts" San Jose Mercury News, Sept. 18, pp.6
1994 Silicon Valley Visitors Guide, September
1994 The Valley Catholic, August 16
1994 New York Times, NY, February 13
1994 "Novoye Russkoye Slovo", October 21
1994 "Eastvillager", ART , November
1994 Contra Costa Times, October 7
1994 "Holy Bat Artist", Metro, October 27 - Nov.2
1994 "Artistwriter", December, pp. 1-3
1994 The Santa Clara, November 17
1994 Santa Clara Spectrum, November 9
1994 ''Rob Report'', December, page 88
1992 "Novoe Russkoe Slovo", No. 13, New York, NY
1992 Daily Sitka Sentinel, Alaska, July 31
1992 Alaska South Eastern Magazine, No.10 Vol 2, October
1991 "Soviet Artist Valentin Popov comes to Belmont", May 1, Belmont Times
1991 "Glasnost comes to Belmont", May 15, Belmont Enquirer Bulletin
1988 "Monograph", Drug Chitacha (Reader's Friend), September 25